Reporting a Safeguarding Concern:
There are a number of ways by which you can report a concern about a child in our school. You can:
- Speak with your child’s class teacher or another member of staff when you drop-off or collect from school.
- Phone and ask to speak with a member of the Senior Leadership Team or a Designated Lead for Safeguarding on 01634 240258
- Directly email the Designated Safeguarding Team via
At Halling staff use a safeguarding recording system online called CPOMS where any notes recorded of incidents/welfare concerns are kept. The information recorded is seen only by the safeguarding team and kept separately from educational records.
When a concern is raised around a child’s welfare in school staff will raise this to the DSL’s attention as soon as possible. If the concern is in need of immediate attention then staff will alert a DSL straight away. The DSL’s are then responsible for deciding whether or not a referral is required through the Integrated Front Door Referral system. DSL’s will seek the advice of professionals such as the area safeguarding advisor if they are unsure on the appropriate next steps. If a child is in immediate danger or at risk of harm, a referral will be made straight away. All staff at Halling are trained to identify and spot signs of different types of abuse and are aware of the reporting procedures they must take if a concern arises.
If your concern needs a response outside of school hours, please contact one of the following:
Medway’s Children’s Services
If you think the child is at immediate risk of harm phone straightaway:
- Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm on 01634 334 466
- out of hours on 03000 419 191
Kent’s Children’s Services
- If your concern is specific to a child or young person please phone 03000 411 111 or email
Our Commitment to Anti-Bullying

At Halling Primary School, we believe that all pupils are entitled to learn in a safe and supportive environment; this means being free from all forms of bullying behaviour. This policy outlines how instances of bullying are dealt with, including the procedures to prevent occurrences of bullying.
Click here to view our Anti-Bullying Policy
At Halling, we accept that:
- Every member of the school community has the right to feel comfortable, safe, secure, equally valued and respected
- Every member of the school community has the right to grow and change, free from prejudice, stereotyping, harassment and negative discrimination
- Every pupil in the school community has the right to equal access to a curriculum that meets their needs
- Learning is the entitlement and responsibility of every member of the school community
- Every member of the school community has the right to object to and/or reject language or behaviour, which is offensive and/or intimidating
- Every member of the school community has the responsibility to treat others with respect
It is the responsibility of every member of the school community to address and/or report all incidents of bullying.
Safeguarding information for parents and carers
Here at Halling Primary school not only do strive to protect our children from abuse and maltreatment but we also offer to support families by signposting them to universal services which may assist them when they are facing difficulties themselves.
Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness
Mind- Mental Health Services
Single Families:
Citizen Advice:
What to do if you’re worried about a child:
Kent and Medway Safeguarding Children Procedures and Strategies
Further Information
- Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings.
- How social media is used to encourage travel to Syria and Iraq.
- Information sharing advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and carers.
- Keeping children safe in education 2022
- Multi-agency statutory guidance on female genital mutilation.
- Preventing youth violence and gang involvement.
- The Prevent duty.
- What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused.
- Working Together to Safeguard Children.
Safer Recruitment Statement:
Halling Primary School is committed to the principles of safer recruitment and, as part of that, adopts recruitment procedures that help deter, reject and/or identify people who might abuse children.
Click here to view our Child Protection Policy